- Test device (x4)
- Buffer tube holder (x1)
- Nasal swab (x4)
- Tube with liquid (x4)
- Nozzle cap (x4)
- Quick Reference Instructions
Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Test
The Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Test: Accuracy Matters

(The test’s ability to detect a true positive)

(The test’s ability to detect a true negative)
The accuracy of the Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Test provides you with a result you can trust and the confidence you need to take control. The Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Test is an easy-to-use, accurate and reliable rapid antigen test that delivers results in as few as 20 minutes. Approved for the detection of COVID-19 with or without symptoms for ages 2 and up. Adult collection required for children 2-13 years old.
The package of four tests easily allows for family and/or serial testing. FSA/HSA eligible. The Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Test detects all known variants of COVID-19, including the Omicron and Delta variants.
With over 125 years of experience, Roche continues to search for better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases to make a sustainable contribution to society. The Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Test brings the brand healthcare providers trust to your home.
What comes with the Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Test
Instructions for Use
Interpreting the Results

Positive Result
If a test line (T) is visible together with a control line (C), this means that the result is positive. Look carefully at the result: The test should be considered positive if two lines are visible - even if they are faint.
A positive test result means it is very likely that you have COVID‑19. You do not need to perform repeat testing if you have a positive result at any time.
Please contact your doctor/primary care physician or your local health authority immediately and adhere to the local guidelines regarding self‑isolation. Your doctor may require you to undergo a molecular PCR test to confirm the result. There is a very small chance that this test can give a positive result that is incorrect (a false positive).

Negative Result
If the control line (C) is visible, but the test line (T) is not visible, the test is negative.
To increase the chance that the negative result for COVID-19 is accurate, you should:
- Test again in 48 hours if you have symptoms on the first day of testing.
- Test 2 more times at least 48 hours apart if you do not have symptoms on the first day of testing.
A negative test result indicates that the virus that causes COVID-19 was not detected in your sample. A negative result is presumptive, meaning it is not certain that you do not have COVID-19. You may still have COVID-19 and you may still be contagious. There is a higher chance of false negative results with antigen tests compared to laboratory-based tests such as PCR. If you test negative and continue to experience COVID-19-like symptoms, (e.g., fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath) you should seek follow up care with your doctor/primary care physician.

Invalid Result
If a control line (C) is not visible, the result must be considered invalid. The test is not working correctly and you should perform another test using a different test kit.
You may have performed the test incorrectly. Carefully read the Quick Reference Instructions and repeat the test. If your test result is still invalid, please contact your doctor or a COVID‑19 test center.

navify Pass
A personal COVID-19 application
Allowing an easy digitalization of a Self Test result.
navify Pass allows individuals to register a self performed Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Test on their mobile device. The submitted test result is visible in the navify Pass app as a self performed test result and can be transmitted to public health agencies for reporting.
Find out more about the navify Pass app to record, share, and report test results here.
navify Pass can be downloaded from both the App Store and Google Play.
navify Pass is not a medical device; it does not interpret test results nor is the primary source of test data.
navify is a trademark of Roche.
Check below to see when your
Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Test expires
On December 11, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted an additional four (4) month shelf life extension to the Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Test distributed by Roche. This authorization extends the test’s shelf life from twelve (12) months to a total of sixteen (16) months.
Where to find your lot number on your test kit box

Are you a Healthcare Professional, Educator, Retailer, or Employer Group?
Visit this page for more information on bulk supply and order fulfillment.

Frequently Asked Questions
This product has not been FDA cleared or approved, but has been authorized by FDA under an EUA. This product has been authorized only for the detection of proteins from SARS-CoV-2, not for any other viruses or pathogens; and the emergency use of this product is only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of in vitro diagnostics for detection and/or diagnosis of COVID-19 under Section 564(b)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb- 3(b)(1), unless the declaration is terminated or authorization is revoked sooner.
- Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Test Package Insert
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