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CoaguChek XS Policies and Procedures Manual

This Policies and Procedures Manual was prepared by Roche Diagnostics with the contribution of Sheila Dunn, D.A., MT(ASCP). It contains sample policies and procedures to help you provide the highest quality anticoagulation testing program. We hope this manual becomes a valuable tool for you and your staff. Before using the CoaguChek XS System, customize this Policies & Procedures Manual to reflect the actual circumstances of your testing program by entering your specific protocol in the spaces indicated. Review and modify this program as desired to meet your own medical practice needs and to accommodate any future changes to CLIA or other applicable regulations. Because procedures are subject to occasional change, always refer to the reagent package insert for the most current information and modify this manual accordingly.

For assistance with any aspect of your anticoagulation management program, contact Roche Diagnostics Technical Service Center at 1-800-428-4674, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

CoaguChek XS System Prolicies and Procedures Manual