December 12, 2024
In 2024, Roche continued to make significant advances in diagnostics through innovation, simplicity and collaboration – all to help improve patient care across the U.S. Working with our partners, we introduced groundbreaking technologies and streamlined solutions focused on delivering accessible, impactful diagnostics that make a difference. Explore how our efforts are shaping the future of healthcare and strengthening our commitment to our customers and the patients they serve.
Science is at the core of everything we do. In 2024, our science-based advancements included the pTau217 biomarker1 for Alzheimer’s disease research and the HPV self-collection solution – a groundbreaking solution that pushes the boundaries of innovation, empowering earlier detection and improved outcomes. By focusing on transformative technologies and pioneering research, we demonstrate our deep commitment to addressing today’s healthcare challenges and shaping the future of disease research.
We are dedicated to simplifying diagnostics to make healthcare more efficient and accessible. Some of our many significant milestones in 2024 include the deployment of 100 cobas® 5800 systems and the launch of innovative solutions like the cobas® liat SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A/B and RSV test.2 We’re introducing new assays and tools designed for seamless integration and improved workflow efficiency, enabling labs to deliver faster, more reliable results. These advancements reflect our commitment to operational simplicity, empowering healthcare providers to focus on what matters most: better outcomes for patients
At Roche, we know that collaboration is key to transforming healthcare. In 2024, our partners continued to play vitally important roles in supporting seamless transitions to new technologies – for example, the launch of HPV on the cobas® 5800 system. We continue to work alongside world-class healthcare providers to deliver impactful diagnostic solutions, earning accolades from 94% of customers for our commitment to service performance.3 Together with our partners, we will continue delivering meaningful change to help improve patient care and outcomes.