cobas® DNA Sample Preparation Kit

IVD For in vitro diagnostic use.
<b>cobas</b><sup>®</sup> DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A manual kit to isolate genomic DNA from FFPET specimens based on nucleic acid binding to glass fibers.

The cobas® DNA Sample Preparation Kit is used for manual specimen preparation of FFPET specimens in combination with cobas® oncology assays, including the cobas® BRAF Mutation Test, the cobas® EGFR Mutation Test, and the cobas® KRAS Mutation Test.

Features and benefits

  • The cobas® DNA Sample Preparation Kit can isolate genomic DNA from FFPET in <3 hours
  • A single 5 µm FFPET section generates sufficient DNA to perform the cobas® mutation tests
  • The kit contains reagents necessary to isolate DNA from up to 24 specimens.

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Related system

cobas z 480

cobas® z 480 analyzer

The cobas® z 480 analyzer is a component of the modular cobas® 4800 System, and can also exist as a standalone instrument for automated amplification and detection of clinical and research assays. The cobas® z 480 analyzer offers advanced real-time PCR technology for high-quality results.

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