How to select IHC / ISH chromogens that are best for your specific application.
A wider choice of chromogenic colors gives researchers an increased ability to customize IHC and ISH assays to achieve improved target biomarker detection. Traditionally, DAB has been the main chromogen of choice for general applications with Red following close behind for tissues with pigmentation. DAB provides a nice contrast to Hematoxylin counterstains and allows even low expressing targets to be easily visualized. However, if the tissue being analyzed has natural pigmentation, such as endogenous melanin protein, DAB can be hard to differentiate from the melanin in the tissue. Similar to Red chromogen, the innovative Ventana chromogens such as Purple, Green, Yellow, Blue and Teal can provide excellent contrast that is easily differentiated from natural tissue pigmentation.
When multiplexing IHC or ISH, having a wide variety of colors to choose from can provide limitless opportunities to optimize assay performance. Selection of colors should be determined by target biomarker expression patterns and levels as well as antibody performance details. Lower expressing targets can be highlighted with colors that are naturally more visible when viewed by eye such as Red, Purple, DAB, and Silver. Yellow, Teal, Blue, and Green are useful for general cell markers to complement target analysis and provide a colorful and informative depiction of the tissue environment.